Mike Malm

Throughout his formal education, Michael studied under recognized artists such as Del Parson at Dixie College, Perry Stewart at Southern Utah University, and Glen Edwards at Utah State University. After completing his Master of Fine Art degree, he focused on securing commissions and building relationships with galleries across the Western United States.

His work has been added to private and public collections worldwide. Michael attributes his development as an oil painter to consistent study and practice, believing it to be key to his refinement. He has studied with master painters like Richard Schmid, Daniel Gerhartz, Quang Ho, Burton Silverman and others, focusing on figurative work. He has been hand-selected to participate in creating large public murals and has led professional teams in this work, taking him across the United States and overseas. Michael lives in Northern Utah with his wife Juanita and their children, Dallin, Mitch, Olivia and Ella.

“My purpose in painting is to communicate the emotions and beauty that I experience to the viewer with the hope that the painting will trigger a similar emotional response in them. Ultimately, I hope my work uplifts and inspires.”

Visit mikemalm.com or instagram @michaelmalmfineart to see more of Michael’s work.