Beauty, Brains, and Mischief

Jason Rich
Oil, 30" x 24"
ARTIFACTS: Lucille Ball's dress, signed script, and vanity table from her studio dressing room

NARRATIVE: The title for the popular TV show “I Love Lucy” was a perfect fit because Lucille Ball is truly a beloved American icon. A model, actress, comedian, producer, and the first female to run a major television studio, Lucy was a pioneer in the television industry. In 2020, she was recognized by Time magazine as one of the most influential women in the 20th century.

When I saw Lucy's dress and vanity table from her dressing room in the artifact collection, it was very nostalgic for me. I immediately saw in my mind a painting of Lucy wearing that blue dress and sitting in front of the vanity, framed by the light. Like so many kids from my generation, I remember watching those reruns on TV and laughing at Lucy’s antics. She was fun and funny and made everyday life feel that way when you watched her. Lucy's comedic physicality and timing were innate, and her vulnerability to embrace awkwardness over glamor in her craft in glitzy 1950s Hollywood made her relatable and endearing.

In my painting, I wanted Lucy to look beautiful and radiant, because she was, but also have that mischievous glint in her eyes, leaving us all wondering what trouble she’s about to get into.