R.S. Riddick

R.S. Riddick is his pen name, creating art that reflects the beautiful and meaningful moments in God’s earthly creating is his mission.

Born Ronald Stephen Riddick on September 5, 1955, his destiny was to become an artist. His family had a rich heritage of creative artistry with many professions and careers in its generations. Ron was nurtured and encouraged with his God-given talents by his family and teachers. With the blessing of formal schooling and academic training, Ron’s artistic acumen of creative skill and principles in art discipline sharpened and his talent deepened.

Today, R.S. Riddick has achieved profile and national accolade rarely bestowed on living artists. He has received top honors and numerous awards and laudatory tributes. Gratefully, Ron feels his most valuable life achievement is teaching and passing on the traditions of excellence in fine art.

Ron and his wife Natalie currently reside in Tucson, Arizona with a summer residence and studio in beautiful Montana. Seeking to share his skills and wisdom from decades of experience, Ron hopes to establish a fine art workshop academy in Montana where he desires to help enable young aspiring artists achieve their dreams. “I believe in the statement ‘They rise highest who lifts as they go.’”