Michelle Dunaway

Michelle Dunaway is an internationally known American artist whose paintings are revered for their bold brushwork yet sensitive portrayal of emotions that capture the human experience. Dunaway’s paintings have been exhibited in Paris, New York and Los Angeles and her work has won awards and honors in the Portrait Society of America’s International Portrait Competition in 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. Her paintings and drawings have been featured in numerous publications including International Artist, Fine Art Connoisseur, American Artist, Southwest Art, Art of the West, American Art Collector, and in several art books.

Dunaway’s paintings are highly sought after by distinguished collectors and displayed in prominent collections throughout the US and Europe. Michelle receives invitations to give painting demonstrations, teach and lecture globally, attracting artists from around the world that wish to study with her. She continues the legacy of mentorship she received from renowned artist Richard Schmid. Michelle’s connection with Schmid transpired when he reached out to her after beholding her award-winning artwork. Impressed by her painting ability, Schmid invited Michelle to join him and his wife, Nancy, in their artistic pursuits. This marked a remarkable bond of friendship and mentorship. Richard acknowledged Michelle’s pivotal role in advancing the quest for excellence in painting, declaring her a driving force in the transformative movement of alla prima painting.

“To me, the extraordinary resides in the everyday moments of life. Those moments when we stop, pay attention and feel gratitude. All of us experience such moments and they transform us for the better. These instances of human life, personal reflection and inspiration are what I love to capture in paint. Painting is my way of saying ‘Amen’ visually, saying I am in agreement with the beauty and mystery of this world.”