Michael Albrechtsen

Michael was raised in Bountiful, Utah where he explored the rural landscape with friends and family. He was encouraged by his mother and grandmother to pursue art rather than follow the family occupation of mechanical engineering. Michael's dream was to play sports, but for some reason he always carried his camera and sketchbook.

While serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Thailand, Michael carried a sketchbook with him and his interest in an art career increased. When he returned home, he met and married Lynda who encouraged him to pursue art. Michael attended Utah State University where he emersed himself in the study of painting and his art skills and interest grew. After graduating with a Master of Fine Art degree, Michael was offered a position with Hallmark in Kansas City, Missouri where he refined his skills painting landscapes and figures.

Michael combines what he sees and feels to develop his paintings. Following the example of his artistic hero, Thomas Moran, Michael may add a stream, mountain, waterfall or clouds as he creates to achieve the feeling he wants for his painting. Michael’s love for the land and this great country also fostered a love of history, which also inspires his work.

Michael’s relationship with God and his family are most important to him. When he is away to paint or teach, his family is always in his thoughts. Meeting with people who are interested in art inspires Michael. Whether it’s a collector, art dealer or student, Michael enjoys sharing and discussing the creative process with others.

“When I paint, I strive to create the emotion I am experiencing with my subject. I am always hoping that is what my viewers also experience when looking at my art. I want people to feel the painting, not just see the painting.”