Jeremy Winborg

Jeremy Winborg is a contemporary American artist known for his unique juxtaposition of realism and abstract art, focusing primarily on Native American subjects. Winborg's artistry is rooted in his appreciation for the beauty and heritage of the West, a passion that has shaped his work throughout his career.

Winborg’s interest in art started at a young age, a passion encouraged by his father who is a professional artist himself. This early exposure to the art world laid the foundation for Jeremy’s artistic journey. His paintings capture the essence of his subjects with a profound depth and emotion. He often portrays Native American individuals and each piece tells a story, inviting viewers to delve into the history and traditions portrayed in each painting.

Winborg's artworks are featured in collections and galleries across the world. He has participated in prestigious art shows and exhibitions, earning awards and recognition that underscore his talent and contribution to contemporary art. His paintings are a bridge between past and present, offering insights into the enduring spirit and beauty of Native American cultures.

Jeremy and his family call Utah home. He paints side by side with his dad and children who have also found the joy of expressing themselves through visual arts.