Blair Buswell

Blair grew up in North Ogden, Utah. In high school and college, he excelled in sports while also being recognized as the top art student.

Blair has always been fascinated with the human figure. He likes the challenge of capturing the gesture, mood and expression of a person in thought or in action, which brings a sense of life to his work. Blair has created monumental work of famous figures of our day including Jack Nicklaus, Oscar Roberson, Paul “Bear” Bryant, Mickey Mantle, Merlin Olsen, Warren Miller, and movie great Charlton Heston.  He’s also well known for his portraiture and, since 1983, has sculpted more than 120 busts of the inductees of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Blair's traditional figurative sculptures of sports and western pieces have won top awards both locally and nationally. His pieces are on display at galleries and museums across the country.

Blair served on the advisory boards of the Utah Arts Council and the National Sculpture Society. A member of the Prix de West and the Northwest Rendezvous Group, Blair is also a Fellow in the National Sculpture Society.

Blair continues to push himself to learn new skills and techniques. Along with his human figure work, he’s also sculpted mules, oxen, horses and other animals. In a collaborative effort completed in 2010, Blair and fellow sculptors Ed Fraughton and Kent Ullberg produced numerous larger-than-life-size works for downtown Omaha, Nebraska which included a wagon train the length of a city block. In 2013, Blair was asked to complete this project with the installation of Native Americans, mountain men and a handcart family. He loves the Old West and is excited to have the opportunity to permanently capture its spirit as exemplified by the early pioneers.