Respect Well Earned

Robert Griffing
Oil on Linen, 24" x 16"

NARRATIVE: This 18th century Eastern Woodland Seneca warrior has earned the respect of not only his family, but all within the tribe. His attire indicates his high status. Over his left shoulder hangs a matchcoat decorated with colored ribbon and on his right side hangs a beautiful brain-tanned bag decorated with porcupine quills. Around his neck hangs an engraved silver gorget and a quill-decorated sheath and knife with a carved head effigy on the handle. Around his waist, he wears a finger-woven sash decorated with white pony beads. These highly prized accoutrements are symbolic of a reputation which has earned him a seat at the council fire.  

This portrait style with the dark background is a contemporary adaptation of a classic 18th or 19th century portrait.