Jim Bridger "Old Gabe" the Frontiersman

Luke Frazier
Oil, 36" x 34"

NARRATIVE: James Bridger – more commonly known as Jim Bridger afterwards “Old Gabe” – was an American trapper, fur trader, and wilderness guide who played a significant role in the exploration and development of the American West in the 19th century. Bridger was renowned for his skill and success as a trapper and his ability to guide expeditions throughout America’s western frontier.

During his years on the frontier, Bridger was known for his ability to talk his way out of trouble and his friendly relations with Native Americans. He was described as tall and muscular by his contemporaries and was considered a shrewd, honest, and brave man. Although he had a reputation for being an exceptional mountain guide, he was also known as an entertaining man who liked to laugh and tell “tall tales” about his adventures. Bridger’s stories painted a vivid picture of the West and inspired thousands of people to explore and migrate to the region.

In this scene, Jim Bridger is navigating the Snake River south of the Tetons in Wyoming in a “bull boat” (a rudimentary frame of sticks and branches lashed together wrapped in buffalo hide) carrying a precious load of beaver pelts bound for trade.