Come Rain or Shine

Albin Veselka
Oil on Linen, 28" x 40"

NARRATIVE: Although US Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves brought his own son Bennie to justice, he never gave up hope to help him repent and reform his life. Bass was well-known for preaching repentance to his "captive audiences" as he was bringing them in to be judged for their crimes. We can only assume he did likewise to his own son when he visited him on a regular basis while Bennie was incarcerated.

Born a slave, Bass never learned to read very well, but he listened to, believed in, and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ as a means of repentance and reform. Bennie, who was more privileged in education than his father, could read. I imagine that, upon faithfully visiting his son "Come Rain or Shine," Bass was encouraged by Bennie during those visits to read the Bible that his father so fervently believed in. Eventually, Bennie was released on good behavior and had no further record of crime. A job well done by a wise, faithful and loving father.